Who is eligible to buy real estate in Japan ?
Anyone can acquire real estate. However it is recommendable to possess a long-term visa (working, spouse, investor...),
or even better, a permanent visa. There are two reasons for this :
1) It is very difficult to get a loan from a Japanese
bank nowadays, even for Japanese people. Needless to say that it is almost impossible without a proper visa and a stable job.
However, if you have enough money to buy your property without having to borrow, then the problem is solved. Otherwise proceed
to the "how to obtain a loan" section.
2) the risk of not to be able to stay in Japan eventhough owning a house or apartment/flat
there. Report to the visa section for more information.
How much is it going to cost ?
That really depends on the region in which you want to invest. Tokyo is by far the most expensive, but, as a rule, prices
decrease progressively as the distance to the center and/or nearest station increases. Besides, old building (30 years old
is old by Japanese standard, as houses are constantly rebuilt because of earthquakes or optimization) are substantially cheaper
than new ones (less than 5 years). Remote regions like the Tohoku, Hokkaido or prefectures such as Shimane and Yamaguchi,
can be particularily cheap. In some areas where depopulation is a problem, the local government has been seen to offer land
for free to people who accepted to settle there for a number of years.
The easiest and most effective way to get an idea of prices is to check nation-wide real estate search engines such
as :
How to obtain a (house) loan in Japan ?
In the current economic situation, this has become quite difficult for the Japanese themselves. Needless to say that
foreigners in Japan will have an even tougher time. It is vital to have a (Japanese) guarantor, financially apt to repay your
loan on your behalf in case you defaulted.
Foreign residents probably have higher chances of getting a loan if they :
have been living in Japan for some time (a few years) and can speak Japanese.
- they have family in Japan. Being married
to a Japanese or having children attending Japanese schools, for instance.
- they have a stable job in Japan, which they
are likely to continue for a long period (at least as long as the term of the loan)
- they have a good credit history.
they have no intention to return to their country before they can pay off their loan (although difficult to prove).
- they
have good reasons to want to stay in Japan, are confortable with and well-adapted to Japanese lifestyle, etc.
Instead of banks, it may be easier to obtain a loan at a "juutaku kinyuu kouko" (Public Housing Loan Corporation), which
specialise in mortgages.
What are the procedures ?
Coming soon
What kind of real estate to choose for an investment ?
Japan is a country subject to frequent earthquakes. As no region can really be qualified as safe, buying a house or apartment/flat
is always risky, as it could be destroyed any time in the future. The safest bet is to buy land, which can be profitable in
big cities when rented as parking space. In central Tokyo, a parking space for a single car costs about 50.000yen/month. There
is nevertheless a serious drawback to any form of investment in big Japanese cities especially. Since the the burst of the
financial bubble in 1990-91, real estate prices have plummeted by 50% for residential and 80% for commercial in Tokyo and
Osaka. Eventhough there is a chance that prices go up again in a near future, it is still risky to invest in real estate in