Maciamo Japan
Ryoko - Travel

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What to bring, where to go and stay, what is not to be missed, you'll find everything here. You'll find a good introduction to travelling in Japan on the Lonely Planet Website or World Travel Guide

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Getting there, away and around
Cheap Flights to and from Japan
Probably the best discount air ticket website available in Japan. 
Discounted air tickets from Japan (website in English and especially made for foreigners in Japan). You can call them in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Tagalog, Chinese or Korean ! 
Discounted air tickets from Japan. They speak English, Spanish, Bengali, Tagalog, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Malay, Myanmar, Swahili, Kikuyu, etc. 
Get the cheapest flights, tours and package from and to virtually anywhere in the world.
Looking for a round the world ticket ?

The Nihon Minka-en in Kawasaki

Transportation inside Japan
So far, Orion has the cheapest bus tickets from Tokyo/Yokohama to the Kansai. 5000 yen one-way. The site is in Japanese and you'd better speak a little bit to book the ticket.
Enter your origin and destination station, the day and time desired, and find out what is the quickest, cheapest or more convenient way to get there. Great !  It works from any railway or underground system in Japan.
Tobu  jp en
Useful to go to Nikko and Tobu World Square.

Online Reservation
Listing of hotels, hostels & guest houses

Kinkaku-ji, Kyoto



Most popular Amusement Parks in Japan

Sunset on Yokohama and Mount Fuji

Sightseeing and places of interest
Online Guides
Available in 10 languages ! A must for every first time travellers to Japan.
One of the best in depth guide to every part of Japan. It includes history, language, food, arts &crafts, and living in Japan, penpals and other sections.
A very detailed guide to temples, shrines, gardens and other traditional aspects of Japan.
An excellent online guide coverig  Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
recommended guidebook
Interesting list of Top 10 by region or category. You'll also find the latest update about the basics (visas, getting there/around...) or any info regarding tourism.


Traditional Japan
